This book contains stories written by children from three villages in the municipality of San Vicente Ferrer, Antioquia, Colombia. The idea emerged from our desire to listen to the children and provide them an area dedicated to learning within their environment. Usually, it’s the adults that tell the children stories; however, this time we wanted the children to create stories in order to learn to work with words in a different manner, not only as readers, but also as writers.
This book is the result of our literacy workshop. This time we explored those beings that grow in the wild; wild like the berries along paths that leave beautiful impressions in our hearts. Those tiny beings, without cape or armor, that get up early for school and whenever they can, after finishing their homework, they strive to become the heroes that our country needs. Simple and just persons who love people and do everything possible to make the world a more beautiful and friendly place. A world where birds fly, and people have the time to contemplate them.